
Causes and Treatment of Male Infertility

21.03.18 01:45 PM By RussellWilliamil89


Studies show that one in every five couples in America seek infertility care every year. Of all the cases where couples are unable to achieve pregnancy, infertility in men cause about 40 - 50% of the cases. Infertility in men refers to a situation where a male is not able to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. There are several causes of infertility in men, some of which are physical, behavioral or hormonal.


Problems with sperm is a main cause of infertility in men. One could have a low sperm count or issues with sperm motility. If a man produces little or no sperm, there are high chances that they will not be able to cause pregnancy. Similarly, poor sperm movement can cause infertility in men. A man may also become infertile if the sperm they produce is abnormally shaped. You can learn the causes of infertility in men and read how to treat male infertility at


Hormonal deficiencies is another one of the causes of infertility in men although it accounts for only a small percentage of male infertility cases. An example of hormonal deficiency is when the hypothalamus-pituitary endocrine system does not send a signal to the brain to release the gonadotrophic-releasing hormone properly. This is the hormone that stimulates leads to the synthesis of testosterone. Testosterone is needed for the production of sperm. If there is no enough production of testosterone, production of sperm will cease, leading to infertility. Lack of luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones can also lead to male infertility.


Varicocele, abnormally dilated veins in spermatic cord, can also cause male infertility. It causes blood to pool in the scrotum and increases the temperature in the testes. High temperatures damage sperm and cause infertility in men.


There are several other causes of infertility in men including physical damage to the testes. Male fertility treatments can be used to reverse infertility in men. Depending on the cause of infertility, different fertility treatment options are available to men. Problems with the sperm count can be rectified using male fertility supplements such as D-Aspartic acid supplements. Regular exercise and proper diet are also effective in increasing sperm count. In cases where the infertility is caused by hormonal problems, hormone treatments can be used to correct low or high levels of the hormones. If the infertility is caused by problems such as varicocele or obstructions in the vas deferens can be corrected using surgery. Assisted reproductive technology can be used when infertility is caused by poor sperm mobility. ART involves the collection of sperm through ejaculation or surgically and using it for IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection to fertilize eggs. Here are more details on male infertility treatments: